Usually, the two of us have no problems discussing baseball together. However, this weekend marks the first time since we met that our teams will be facing each other in something besides Spring Training. I tried to see this issue from her perspective, and decided that if it was someone on the Sox headhunting, say, Robinson Cano, I'd probably behave the same way. And neither of us really knows whether Joba throws at Youk on purpose (he didn't yesterday, so who knows?), because the only person who really knows is Chamberlain himself. And since we can't ever really know, we'll have to let it go.
I'm sure we'll find something else to talk about...

Like this guy, and the fact that he's barely hitting his weight.
Best Tweet of last night, RT from abcdude: Since Joba Chamberlain can't get by on his looks, at least he's smart. And a safe driver.
You're a brave girl for having a Yankee fan as a friend. I couldn't do it! It would get to heated. Love the RT from abcdude. Last night was a great game. Looking forward to another great one today with Beckett pitching!