1.) "Can you please stop swinging at the first pitch?!?" This one was the first of the game, in the very first inning, and it was directed towards, you guessed it, leadoff man Jacoby Ellsbury. Once again, he swung at the first pitch, which resulted in an out. Does he know what his responsibilities as a leadoff hitter are? In case he's wondering, he's supposed to GET. ON. BASE. Ideally, this should happen after he sees a few pitches, in order to wear down the starting pitcher and let his teammates see what kind of stuff the guy has. FAIL on both accounts. However, the Pretty-Boy did collect two hits on the night.
2.) "JASON BAY IS MY FAVORITE CANADIAN!!!!" Bay took the offering from Orioles' starting pitcher Jeremy Guthrie and deposited it in the right field bullpen, making the score 7-2 Baltimore (Drew was on base, having taken a walk). At this point in the game (bottom second), I was still reeling from the grand slam Nick Markakis hit off of Brad Penny earlier in the inning, and Bay's hit made me hopeful that the Sox' bats could come alive... after all, I'd witnessed it scarcely six months earlier, and the Rays are a tougher opponent than the Orioles.
3.) "JD Drew again! All those bashers need to STFU." I will admit to being guilty of Drew bashing at times, but it's all in fun, and always relates to his extensive injury history. However, despite having a total lack of visible passion (walk? strikeout? home run? All get the same stony faced expression from Drew), he tends to come through when the Red Sox need him. In this Tweet, I was referring directly to the triple in the fifth inning, but also to his round tripper in the third. And speaking of coming through, we mustn't forget that Drew carried us through Papi's absence last June, and it's looking like he might have to step up again, as Ortiz's average fell to .158 today...
3.) a. (Bonus Tweet!) "Who are you, and what have you done with David Ortiz?" Papi looks absolutely lost at the plate so far... I for one am scared.
4.) "Pedroia=Love" You all already know my thoughts on this topic. However, this reaction came in the sixth inning, when Pedroia led off with a single, advanced to second when Youk was hit (in the HELMET!) with a pitch, and reached third when Drew walked. Jason Bay hit a sacrifice fly to left-center field, and Pedroia tagged up and scored, making the score 9-8 Boston. Mike Lowell would single in another run before the inning was over, but at the time, Pedroia's run was huge.
5.) "Mikey Lowell > Mark Teixeira" This was actually my reaction to Lowell's aforementioned single in the sixth. However, I would like to quote some statistics to show Red Sox Nation that Lowell is the better deal for Boston. Mike Lowell is batting .229 with 8 RBIs and 2 HRs, coming off major hip surgery in the offseason, at the age of 35. Teixeira is batting .160 with 3 RBIs and 1 HR, at the age of 29. Lowell is owed $12.5 million for 2009, while Teixeira is slated to earn $20.6 million. Add that to the fact that Teirxeira looks like a small child, and Lowell looks like your favorite uncle, and Boston clearly wins... And just remember the last time a young infielder coveted by the Sox went to the Yankees. Yeah... I'd say that one turned out in our favor, too.

The two subjects of my posts that uses mathematical symbols. Picture courtesy of bostonherald.com.
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