I've generally avoided most literature about the Yankees parade, but I stumbled onto a piece about it this morning, and came upon the following quote:
"Also liked the coffin painted Phillies red, which also featured a baby Pedro."
WHAT?!? Now, the presence of an object like that should be mentioned, but to say that you liked it? I don't care what team you root for, or who you're rooting against, putting anyone's likeness in a coffin is disgusting... and the fact that it was a baby? On what planet is that okay? Now, you might say I'm biased because of my deep and unapologetic love for Pedro. I thought the same thing, so I asked my roommate, who is a Yankees fan from Manhattan, and she had the same reaction I did. I may hate Joba Chamberlain with a passion, but I would never wish him dead (I only wish for his career to implode and that he ends up as a mop-up guy with the Nationals - but all in good health).
This comes just a week or so after Pedro publicly admonished a Yankees fan father for yelling obscenities in the presence of his young daughter.
And now the crown jewel of Yankees fan ignorance. Proof that with entitlement and arrogance comes intolerance and homophobia. Are you ready for this?

Again, I know most Yankees fans aren't like this... but really? Show some class, New York.
don't ask what you can't have... some people are brought up like that and they will be always like that...
ReplyDeletei hope they learn a lesson... somehow.. but until that day is better to not pay attention... because that's exactly what they want...
That kids face says P = Gay
ReplyDeleteI have to say it is interesting that he put that on his head, I would never put that on my head and I would not suggest it to anybody else. I think it is funny how ridiculous it is that somebody would literally paint P=Gay on you head. That is just silly. I didn't realize that World Series Parades were about making fun or beating up on the team that lost. I thought it was about celebrating your victory. And I mean if you are going to put down the other team at least do it in a more creative way.